Student Organizations
The School of Criminal Justice and Criminology has multiple organizations for students to get involved, including Alpha Phi Sigma, GradCATS, and Lambda Alpha Epsilon.

Alpha Phi Sigma
Alpha Phi Sigma recognizes academic excellence of Undergraduate and Graduate students of Criminal Justice and related fields. The goals of Alpha Phi Sigma are to honor and promote academic excellence, community service, educational leadership, and unity. Alpha Phi Sigma is the only Criminal Justice Honor Society which is a certified member of the Association of College Honor Societies and affiliated with the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.
If interested, please contact Dr. Kathleen Padilla or Dr. Sean Patrick Roche.
- Be currently enrolled as a student at Texas State University
- Have successfully completed three semesters (or 36 credits) of classes at Texas State
- Have a minimum overall GPA of 3.2 (for undergraduate students)
- Have successfully completed 4 courses (or 12 credits) worth of School of Criminal Justice and Criminology classes
- Have a minimum GPA of 3.2 in the School of Criminal Justice and Criminology classes you have taken
- Scholarships: Eligibility for scholarships, awards, & grants. Meet and network with likeminded student, scholars, and professors.
- Research: Access exclusive opportunities to assist and conduct academic research on crime and justice.
- Ethics: Learn from working professionals in law, policing, and corrections.
- Leadership: Participate in the only nationally recognized honors society for criminal justice. Leadership positions available at the local and national level.
- Membership certificate, pin, & card.
- Honor regalia for graduation and other ceremonies.

Grad CATS is a registered academic student-run organization at the School of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Texas State University. Our mission of CJCGSA is to support the educational, professional, and personal development of students enrolled in the Masters and PhD programs within the School of Criminal Justice and Criminology (SCJC) at Texas State University.
If interested, please email the School of Criminal Justice and Criminology.

Lambda Alpha Epsilon
We are a professional co-ed fraternity who are interested and focused in a career within the Criminal Justice field. We dedicate ourselves to networking with law professionals, community service, fundraising, and expanding opportunities for our brothers and sisters within the field of Criminal Justice. An example of an opportunity we offer is the honor for our members to practice shooting under the guidance of San Marcos Police Department. We also hold a retreat and banquet every semester to celebrate and enjoy our Lambda Alpha Epsilon family.
If you have any questions about Lambda Alpha Epsilon on how to get started, please contact one or both of our pledge educators:
Emma Paff:
Sarah Arendell:
- Must be a Texas State University student.
- Graduate or Undergraduate
- Must have a minimum of 2.25 Texas State GPA.
- Cannot be joining the same semester that you are graduating.
- Example: if you graduate in December 2017, you cannot join during the spring semester prior to your graduating summer semester.
- Must come to Monday meetings at 5:30 in room 207 in the Hines building.
- Must accumulate 14 hours of community service and 7 hours of fundraising throughout the semester.
- Half of your community service hours as well as fundraising hours must be completed with at least one active member of Lambda Alpha Epsilon.
- Must pay a membership fee of $200.
- Must learn all information presented by the pledge educators.
- Must pass the interview process.
- If the majority of Lambda Alpha Epsilon members anonymously vote "yes" for your membership, you are then an active member of Lambda Alpha Epsilon.
- If you do not pay your membership fee before the interview day, you are not allowed to interview.
- Must be a Texas State University student.
Officers of Lambda Alpha Epsilon
President: Mario Munoz
Vice President: Cruz Aleman
Secretary: Thomas Dockins
Treasurer: Taylar Ragland
Historian: Paige Villa
Sergeant at Arms: Zenden Antoine
Pledge Educators: Sarah Arendell ( and Emma Paff (