School of Criminal Justice and Criminology

Our School is a vibrant community, with approximately 1,300 baccalaureate students, 75 master's students, and 40 doctoral students. Twenty-five full-time faculty educate our students and engage in a wide range of research endeavors.


Near 16 state criminal justice offices and 13 Texas counties, including Travis (Austin) and Bexar (San Antonio)


We are associated with several research centers, including the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT)

Upcoming Events

Cold Case Team Info Session

Would you like to investigate real cold case homicides? Come learn more and hear from current team members!

Presenter: H. Jaymi Elsass (

When and Where: Wednesday, February 10th, 5:30 to 7:00 PM,  Hines Academic Center 204

Dr. H. Jaymi Elsass smiling
H. Jaymi Elsass, Ph.D.

Significance Testing: “Science’s Dirty Little Secret”

Presenter: D. Kim Rossmo, Ph.D., Professor, School of Criminal Justice and Criminology, and Director, Center for Geospatial Intelligence and Investigation

When and Where: Tuesday, February 11th at 2:00 PM in Hines Academic Center 202

Dr. Kim Rossmo smiling
D. Kim Rossmo, Ph.D.

Latest News

New Faculty to Join School in 2025

The School of Criminal Justice and Criminology is proud to welcome two new faculty members — Logan Somers and Seth Watts — for the 2025–26 academic year. Learn more about each of them here. 

Profs. Summers and Soto Urpina smiling

Curso de Capacitación en Criminología Ambiental

Texas State's Dr. Lucía Summers and Dr. Carles Soto Urpina from the University of Barcelona present a month-long online course, taught in Spanish, on Environmental Criminology! Environmental Criminology analyzes the physical and social context where crime occurs, including victims, offenders, and bystanders, and considers how these actors can facilitate or inhibit crime. The course consists of eight sessions of 1.5 hours each. Students can register for the whole course or individual sessions.

Texas State's Round Rock Campus, bathed in sunlight

BSCJ now fully available on Round Rock Campus

Effective Fall 2024, students can complete their entire Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice (BSCJ) on the TXST Round Rock campus via traditional in-person day classes.