Laure Brimbal selected for the National Institute of Justice LEADS Scholar

The Law Enforcement Advancing Data and Science (LEADS) Academics program (currently in pilot) offers a unique opportunity for early-career academics to engage with NIJ LEADS Scholars, all of whom are mid-career police officers dedicated to advancing the police profession through science. NIJ started piloting the LEADS Academics to the Scholars program in 2019, with the goal of advancing practitioner-led research and promoting sustainable researcher/practitioner partnerships.
LEADS Academics, coordinating with the LEADS “implementation and development team” (RAND, PERF, and IACP) will provide additional guidance and information to LEADS Scholars regarding research methodology and ethical concerns associated with conducting research. The LEADS Scholars will help the LEADS Academics improve their understanding and skills related to working with law enforcement agencies and practitioners.
Dr. Brimbal was one of only three academics selected as part of the LEADS Class of 2021.